Dear all my students.
This blog is created just for you to practice our english.
1. Don't ask other people to do your task (Jangan menyuruh orang lain untuk mengerjakan tugas mu)
alias harap dikerjakan sendiri!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

the dream came true

As an English teacher I used to dream to visit a native speaker country such as UK, USA ,Aussie or whatever. Alhamdulillah on 2002 I got a letter from LPMP West Java to join selection to have Australian-Indonesian Teacher Exchange Programme and I passed the test. It's a long time we waited to get further info whta to do text. You know it almost 2 years we (Euis from SMP Batujajar-West Java, Kurdi and Erna from SMP Padang, and me Agus from SMP Negeri 1 Cimahi West Java). Alhamdulillah On May 2004 I got interview in LPMP. The interviewers are Leon John from Austrlia and Ibu Teriska from LPMP.
Alhamdulillah , the dream came true, on July 2004 we flew to Australia.On that time we were 8 or 4 couple from each province.West Java (Euis and me), Yogyakarta ( Tri and Rini), South Sumatra (Kurdi and Erna) and from Sulawesi ( Isna and Sudirham). We landed at Sydney Airport first and to be continued to Melbourne.
At Melbourne Airport We were picked up by Aaron, an Asia Link volunteer who derectly brought us to a Hotel. Sorry I forgot the name of the hotel, but it was located in central of Melbourne City. We stayed here for about 1 week. During the week we got some lectures in Melboune uni about Austrlian culture for 2 days, and 3 days we had English course in Language Centre and the rest days we did sight seeng to see pinguin island, museum etc.
One week after, we were distrubuted to different cities. I my self flew to Canberra, Euis, Erna,isna and Rini,sudirham to Sydney and Kurdi and Tri to Victoria.
It was unforgetable experience. You know I 've never gove anywhere by plane even alone. Yo can immagine I had to go to Canberra alone without any experince. But Alhamdulillah , Alloh saved me by giving me mouth and being able to speak English. So when having some trouble I just asked and asked untill the plane landed at small airport of Canberra. I was picked up by Jenny, my friend

Taks 2 for Class 7 A SMPN 1 Cimahi

Dear All students , here is the task 2.

1. Write a description about 'The Sundays Activities of your family.
2. The length of your writing must be at least 300 words ( 1 pages). You may write more than 300 words.
3. You must also Post your writing in your own blog.
4. Copy your writing and put the copy in the comment of the task 2.
5. Visit your friends blog, and then write your comment about your friend writing.(At least to 5 of your friends)
6. Good luck!